Balancing sthira and sukha
April 14, 2024
It can be really lovely to take time to focus your practice on seated twists, such as Marichyasana III.
Marichyasana III, the sages twist, is a beautiful shape to focus on creating a stable, grounded base. By grounding through the points of your body touching the earth, you’ll be able to focus on the internal lifting and rotation of your spine, starting from your navel and working all the way up to the top of your head.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali tell us “sthira sukham asanam” – steady and comfortable should be the posture.
In this twist, you can explore the interplay of these qualities of sthira (steadiness) and sukha (ease) – finding stability through your base, connected to the earth, so there can be ease and freedom in your movement and breathing. Your breath helping to release tension in your body so you can settle deeper into the stillness of your practice ❤️